For example, if a character fell off a cliff and a flying robot suddenly appeared out of nowhere to catch them, that would be a deus ex machina. Deus ex machina is a device used to easily resolve a. A deus ex machina is a plot device whereby an unsolvable conflict or point of tension is suddenly resolved by the unexpected appearance of an implausible character, object, action, ability, or event. Is without a doubt an archetype considered as a quasi-impetus of a prevalent trope that strides to an extensively particular culmination which opts to incorporate an unorthodox and haphazard prospect which is scrupulously and circuitously contrived to presumably rectify borderline incorrigible conundrums or circumstances in order to deliberately expedite an ideal and feasible impending crux that would transpire in a plausible but inexplicable manner which usually aggregates a plethora of complex multifaceted serendipitous outcomes On the contrary however, it absolutely entails the omission of the obligatory, arbitrary and elusive logic inclined to expedite an ideal and immutable apotheosis but only on the off chance if certain intrinsic characters would go out on a limb hence, leaving them apparently in the midst of a vastly dire escapade and are currently inevitably beleaguered nonetheless, if delved on furthermore through meticulously scrutinizing the intricate logic this on the other hand would somehow instigate elicit recurring aberration instilled in the underlying recesses of our objective, biased and condescending judgement thus when overtly eluded under the influence of its predicament, it could cause certain implications such as aspects of double standard unless marred by its beguiling provocative matter, hence relinquish its purpose and haplessly render it negligible and incomprehensibly desultory. Deus ex machina is a Latin term meaning 'god out of the machine'. Deus ex machina refers to conclusions that involve a divine intervention or other improbable events.