
Iphi ntombi pretoria cbd
Iphi ntombi pretoria cbd

Violence, damage to property and infringing on others' rights and freedom of movement will not be tolerated by law enforcement agencies #pretoriacbd #Pretoriashutdown pic.twitter.

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Government urges those who decide to exercise their right to protest to do so in a peaceful and orderly manner. Law enforcement agencies will not hesitate to act against anyone who threatens violence or takes part in acts of intimidation, incitement or violence #pretoriacbd #Pretoriashutdown /0Rcv47bwkZ- South African Government August 28, 2019 Government took to Twitter stating 'Law enforcement agencies will not hesitate to act against anyone who threatens violence or takes part in acts of intimidation, incitement or violence.' Please be safe around Pretoria CBD it's a mess again 🙆🏽‍♂️🙊😧 /82s45zSAV5- Shibiko Nkuna August 28, 2019 Why can't we leave the buildings alone and deal with drug dealers? #pretoriacbd #Pretoriashutdown #Sunnyside /0GKQHUrMGC- Chief Erican, MBA August 28, 2019 Someones dad was shoot while looting a 65 inch TV #pretoriacbd #Pretoriashutdown 😂 /5NNsBBd5rg- RedLive August 28, 2019 Located in the heart of Johannebsurg CBD, Diplomat remains one of the most.

iphi ntombi pretoria cbd

Witnesses described it as a war zone, with firefighters trying to put out fires in shops in the CBD.

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The conflict is believed to have been triggered when taxi drivers fought with alleged drug dealers, which led to a driver being shot dead. iphintombi pretoriacbd Pretoriashutdown Fam all is well iphintombi its. Shocking videos were shared on social media on Wednesday as the protests devolved into looting and police fired rubber bullets. They started with IphiNtombi Midrand branch and now Pretoria branch is burned.

Iphi ntombi pretoria cbd